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 Заголовок сообщения: Java SE Runtime Environment 8.0 Update 121(01/2017) ENG
СообщениеДобавлено: 20 янв 2017, 10:31 
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Java SE Runtime Environment 8.0 Update 121

#777Год выпуска: 2017
Версия:8.0 Update 121
Платформа: 32 и 64 бит
Совместимость с Vista: полная
Язык интерфейса: ENG
Таблэтка: Не требуется

Системные требования:
Windows 10
Windows 8.x Desktop
Windows 7
Windows Vista SP2
Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2
A Pentium 2 266 MHz or faster processor with at least 128 MB of physical RAM is recommended. You will also need a minimum of 124 MB of free disk space..

Java Runtime Environment (JRE) - исполнительная среда созданная Sun Microsystems позволяющая запускать и использовать приложения написанные на языке программирования Java. Состоит из виртуальной машины - Java Virtual Machine и библиотеки Java-классов. На языке Java написано множество программ и игр, особенно тех, для которых важна мобильность. Некоторые веб-страницы также используют Java. Одним из преимуществ языка Java является его кроссплатформенность, то есть приложения написанные на этом языке можно использовать на разных операционных системах где установлен Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

автоматическое управление памятью;
расширенные возможности обработки исключительных ситуаций;
богатый набор средств фильтрации ввода/вывода;
набор стандартных коллекций, таких как массив, список, стек и т. п.;
наличие простых средств создания сетевых приложений (в том числе с использованием протокола RMI);
наличие классов, позволяющих выполнять HTTP-запросы и обрабатывать ответы;
встроенные в язык средства создания многопоточных приложений;
унифицированный доступ к базам данных:
на уровне отдельных SQL-запросов — на основе JDBC, SQLJ;
на уровне концепции объектов, обладающих способностью к хранению в базе данных — на основе Java Data Objects (англ.) и Java Persistence API (англ.);
поддержка шаблонов (начиная с версии 1.5);
параллельное выполнение программ.
Интеграция поддержки Lisp-подобных лямбда-выражений ("замыкания"), развиваемых в рамках проекта Lambda. Расширений стандартных библиотек средствами для параллельного выполнения операций над потоками данных, нацеленных на упрощение написания кода для многоядерных процессоров;
Поддержка компактных профилей для развёртывания на оборудовании с ограниченными ресурсами приложений, которым не требуются все компоненты платформы;
Новая система сборки на основе Autoconf;
Интеграция Nashorn, легковесного и высокопроизводительного движка JavaScript, работающий поверх виртуальной машины Java (JVM);
Новый API для работы с датами и временем. Новые Calendar и Locale API;
Повторяющиеся аннотации (Repeating Annotations), позволяющие применить один и тот же тип аннотации более одного раза в одном объявлении или применении типа.
Тип аннотаций, предоставляющий возможность применения аннотаций везде, где используются типы, а не только при объявлении;
Новый пакет с классами java.util.stream, предоставляющий Stream API с поддержкой операций в стиле функционального программирования над потоками элементов;
Увеличение производительности HashMaps в условиях возникновения коллизий;
Улучшение средств шифрования: Включение по умолчанию TLS 1.2 на стороне клиента. Усиление алгоритмов для шифрования с использованием паролей. Поддержка SNI (Server Name Indication) в JSSE Server для обеспечения доступа через шифрованное соединение к виртуальным хостам на одном IP. Поддержка хэширования SHA-224 и блочного шифра AEAD (Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data). Новый класс java.security.cert.PKIXRevocationChecker для настройки проверки отзыва сертификатов X.509. Поддержка аппаратного ускорения шифрования AES на процессорах Intel;
Многочисленные улучшения в JavaFX, включая новые элементы управления DatePicker и TreeTableView, класс SwingNode для встраивания контента Swing, новая тема оформления Modena, пакет javafx.print с API для вывода на печать, класс WebView, класс ScheduledService, поддержка архитектуры ARM, существенное расширение средств для работы с 3D-графикой (3D-формы, камера, освещение, субсцены, материалы, сглаживание);
Включение в состав Java DB 10.10;
В пакеты java.lang и java.util добавлены средства для параллельной сортировки массивов и функции кодирования/декодирования Base64.
Improved protection for JNDI remote class loading
Remote class loading via JNDI object factories stored in naming and directory services is disabled by default. To enable remote class loading by the RMI Registry or COS Naming service provider, set the following system property to the string "true", as appropriate:


JDK-8158997 (not public)

jarsigner -verbose -verify should print the algorithms used to sign the jar
The jarsigner tool has been enhanced to show details of the algorithms and keys used to generate a signed JAR file and will also provide an indication if any of them are considered weak.

Specifically, when "jarsigner -verify -verbose filename.jar" is called, a separate section is printed out showing information of the signature and timestamp (if it exists) inside the signed JAR file, even if it is treated as unsigned for various reasons. If any algorithm or key used is considered weak, as specified in the Security property, jdk.jar.disabledAlgorithms, it will be labeled with "(weak)".

For example:

- Signed by "CN=weak_signer"
Digest algorithm: MD2 (weak)
Signature algorithm: MD2withRSA (weak), 512-bit key (weak)
Timestamped by "CN=strong_tsa" on Mon Sep 26 08:59:39 CST 2016
Timestamp digest algorithm: SHA-256
Timestamp signature algorithm: SHA256withRSA, 2048-bit key

See JDK-8163304

New Features

Serialization Filter Configuration
Serialization Filtering introduces a new mechanism which allows incoming streams of object-serialization data to be filtered in order to improve both security and robustness. Every ObjectInputStream applies a filter, if configured, to the stream contents during deserialization. Filters are set using either a system property or a configured security property. The value of the "jdk.serialFilter" patterns are described in JEP 290 Serialization Filtering and in <JRE>/lib/security/java.security. Filter actions are logged to the 'java.io.serialization' logger, if enabled.
See JDK-8155760

RMI Better constraint checking
RMI Registry and Distributed Garbage Collection use the mechanisms of JEP 290 Serialization Filtering to improve service robustness.
RMI Registry and DGC implement built-in white-list filters for the typical classes expected to be used with each service.
Additional filter patterns can be configured using either a system property or a security property. The "sun.rmi.registry.registryFilter" and "sun.rmi.transport.dgcFilter" property pattern syntax is described in JEP 290 and in <JRE>/lib/security/java.security.
JDK-8156802 (not public)

Add mechanism to allow non-default root CAs to not be subject to algorithm restrictions

*New certpath constraint: jdkCA*
In the java.security file, an additional constraint named "jdkCA" is added to the jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms property. This constraint prohibits the specified algorithm only if the algorithm is used in a certificate chain that terminates at a marked trust anchor in the lib/security/cacerts keystore. If the jdkCA constraint is not set, then all chains using the specified algorithm are restricted. jdkCA may only be used once in a DisabledAlgorithm expression.

Example: To apply this constraint to SHA-1 certificates, include the following: SHA1 jdkCA
See JDK-8140422


Increase the minimum key length to 1024 for XML Signatures
The secure validation mode of the XML Signature implementation has been enhanced to restrict RSA and DSA keys less than 1024 bits by default as they are no longer secure enough for digital signatures. Additionally, a new security property named jdk.xml.dsig.SecureValidationPolicy has been added to the java.security file and can be used to control the different restrictions enforced when the secure validation mode is enabled.

The secure validation mode is enabled either by setting the xml signature property org.jcp.xml.dsig.secureValidation to true with the javax.xml.crypto.XMLCryptoContext.setProperty method, or by running the code with a SecurityManager.

If an XML Signature is generated or validated with a weak RSA or DSA key, an XMLSignatureException will be thrown with the message, "RSA keys less than 1024 bits are forbidden when secure validation is enabled" or "DSA keys less than 1024 bits are forbidden when secure validation is enabled."
JDK-8140353 (not public)

Restrict certificates with DSA keys less than 1024 bits.
DSA keys less than 1024 bits are not strong enough and should be restricted in certification path building and validation. Accordingly, DSA keys less than 1024 bits have been deactivated by default by adding "DSA keySize < 1024" to the "jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms" security property. Applications can update this restriction in the security property ("jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms") and permit smaller key sizes if really needed (for example, "DSA keySize < 768").
JDK-8139565 (not public)

More checks added to DER encoding parsing code
More checks are added to the DER encoding parsing code to catch various encoding errors. In addition, signatures which contain constructed indefinite length encoding will now lead to IOException during parsing. Note that signatures generated using JDK default providers are not affected by this change.
JDK-8168714 (not public)

Additional access restrictions for URLClassLoader.newInstance
Class loaders created by the java.net.URLClassLoader.newInstance methods can be used to load classes from a list of given URLs. If the calling code does not have access to one or more of the URLs and the URL artifacts that can be accessed do not contain the required class, then a ClassNotFoundException, or similar, will be thrown. Previously, a SecurityException would have been thrown when access to a URL was denied. If required to revert to the old behavior, this change can be disabled by setting the jdk.net.URLClassPath.disableRestrictedPermissions system property.
JDK-8151934 (not public)

A new configurable property in logging.properties java.util.logging.FileHandler.maxLocks
A new "java.util.logging.FileHandler.maxLocks" configurable property is added to java.util.logging.FileHandler.

This new logging property can be defined in the logging configuration file and makes it possible to configure the maximum number of concurrent log file locks a FileHandler can handle. The default value is 100.

In a highly concurrent environment where multiple (more than 101) standalone client applications are using the JDK Logging API with FileHandler simultaneously, it may happen that the default limit of 100 is reached, resulting in a failure to acquire FileHandler file locks and causing an IO Exception to be thrown. In such a case, the new logging property can be used to increase the maximum number of locks before deploying the application.

If not overridden, the default value of maxLocks (100) remains unchanged. See java.util.logging.LogManager and java.util.logging.FileHandler API documentation for more details.
See JDK-8153955
Bug Fixes

The following are some of the notable bug fixes included in this release:

Trackpad scrolling of text on OS X 10.12 Sierra is very fast
The MouseWheelEvent.getWheelRotation() method returned rounded native NSEvent deltaX/Y events on Mac OS X. The latest macOS Sierra 10.12 produces very small NSEvent deltaX/Y values so rounding and summing them leads to the huge value returned from the MouseWheelEvent.getWheelRotation(). The JDK-8166591 fix accumulates NSEvent deltaX/Y and the MouseWheelEvent.getWheelRotation() method returns non-zero values only when the accumulated value exceeds a threshold and zero value. This is compliant with the MouseWheelEvent.getWheelRotation() specification (https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/a ... elRotation):

"Returns the number of "clicks" the mouse wheel was rotated, as an integer. A partial rotation may occur if the mouse supports a high-resolution wheel. In this case, the method returns zero until a full "click" has been accumulated."

For the precise wheel rotation values, use the MouseWheelEvent.getPreciseWheelRotation() method instead.
See JDK-8166591

This release also contains fixes for security vulnerabilities described in the Oracle Java SE Critical Patch Update Advisory. For a more complete list of the bug fixes included in this release, see the JDK 8u121 Bug Fixes page.

Known Issues

javapackager and fx:deploy bundle the whole JDK instead of JRE
There is a known bug in the Java Packager for Mac where the entire JDK may be bundled with the application bundle resulting in an unusually large bundle. The work around is to use the bundler option -Bruntime option. For example: -Bruntime=JavaAppletPlugin.plugin sets where the JavaAppletPlugin.plugin for the desired JRE to bundle is located in the current directory.
See JDK-8166835

Java Installation will fail for non-admin users with UAC off
The Java installation on Windows will fail without warning or prompting, for non-admin users with User Access Control (UAC) disabled. The installer will leave a directory, jds<number>.tmp, in the %TEMP% directory.
JDK-8161460 (not public)

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